A giving tree
When we were little, my older sister created a pagan tree ritual. We would stand in front of the large tree in our yard and recite verse (I would have my eyes closed). Voila, a fizzy orange drink would appear on the other side.
She would have friends over and the game would be a secret ridicule. Jokes on her, the drinks were delicious and the tree is a good friend. She transmuted the relationship.
Now as I struggle with what to do as our generation faces dramatic environmental changes, I think about the trees. The patience of a tree, the resilience, and the contribution.
I wish to end this musing directly. Plant trees, hug a tree, think of the consequences when you take down trees.
For times are good when the older generations plant trees from which they will never enjoy the shade, shade for the coming generations to cherish and remember us by. Shade from the hot sun.
If you are unsure what to buy your loved ones in these chaotic and commercial times, consider the gift of a tree planting, there are many organizations serving this cause.