The Black Knight

Schools are for fish, but I am a whale

What do you hear in the whale’s song?

The black knight

Sing the song of fallen warriors

Live free and never die

Is an orca in captivity still an orca?

Perhaps, but it is no ‘killer’ whale.

In the same way, I wonder what essence we have lost when we live alienated from our ancestral patterns.

An uncomfortable twitch may point towards an unreachable itch. 

A life plagued with parasitic tension without the free ocean to wiggle loose. 

If we are mightier, it is because we build on stone, where the whale lives in the tide.

Life in migration like we used to be. Where has life on stone taken us?

We fear what we cannot control, but when will we admit that we cannot control ourselves

We cannot control the tide


The Wings Fly Together


Ever Forward