The Spirit of the Forest

Instead of nature versus nurture, let’s look towards our nature to nurture. 

Remember your antifragility. 

We are still strong when scratched by life. 

We were from the forest before the town square or the castle. The suburbs and the cities. 

We never moved above the forest, only outside it’s shade to see the sun for ourselves. 

We would all do well to remember the forest when we are plagued with modern ills. 

To see the strength, beauty, and practicality again.

Destroy your false idols and return to the trees. Breathe deeply and remember what carries on.

Humble yourself before the spirit of the forest.

We are immersed in a web of weirdness; all falls to the same compost heap in the forest.

Let the layers of modernity fall aside as the air freshens. Before idols we had to be individuals.

I was lucky, the woods were always there for me when I needed them. 

First as a kid when I let my curiosity guide me, and then later as a stubborn teenager eager to harden my spirit running on the Greenbelt Trail. Now I try to hold back and let my dogs guide us whenever we can escape to the forest.

Words do not capture what limitless wonder allows, the symphony of gaia.


Chess is a game for kings


The Play goes on!